Today is the first day of National Infertility Awareness Week. There's a lot of moving and shaking, and voices wanting to be heard out there! It's a hard thing to talk about but it's so necessary. In honor of that, I thought I'd share 3 pages of my Catalogue Baby storyboarding around miscarriage (this is one of the steps before going to the illustrator). It's hard stuff to try to represent well and then to share, but it's true for me and I think for countless other women. It's only part of the story, and it's only part of the physical and emotional sensations that wreak havoc when things go horribly wrong with a pregnancy.
If the imagery moves you, if you think it's an important story to share, if you wish there were more easily accessible resources around fertility challenges, if you, someone you know, or someone you've heard of has gone through such tragedies, please consider contributing to the Indiegogo campaign to illustrate and publish the book. Click here to read more about my story, the book, and to donate: