I was a guest on the Miracles Happen Podcast

It was such a pleasure to be a guest on the Miracles Happen Podcast with Dr. Maria Rothenburger .

For those of you who have heard my fertility journey already, skip to about the middle where we start talking about the intense challenges of my twin pregnancy as well as my experiences meeting the spirits of the babies who passed through my body. It sounds woo-woo... But it was real.

For me, there were a few marking incidents. Names would float past while I was pregnant which belonged to the babies and told me not only a little something about their potential personalities but also their sex. This happened with almost every one of my five pregnancies, whether I had a miscarriage or not.

For the final pregnancy, the twins' spirits would come and snuggle with me at night even before the embryos were formed in the Petri dish. I always wondered why there were more than one... Until the day after my embryo transfer day when I knew I was carrying two babies 😯 😍.

There were so many other moments like that. Inexplicable and wondrous.