We won!

Catalogue Baby wins the Vine Award for Canadian Jewish Literature in the non-fiction category!

WE WONNNNNN!!!!! WOOHOO!! I am so thrilled and honoured to have Catalogue Baby recognized in such a significant way.

Here's what the award's jury had to say about Catalogue Baby:
“A riveting graphic novel/memoir on infertility. Steinberg leads the reader through the emotional and physical roller coaster of getting pregnant — the highs and lows, her body endlessly prodded and tested, repeated success and rejection, decision-making dilemmas, mixed feelings of failure and self-doubt — all underpinned by humour and determination.” – Vine Awards Jury

A huge thank you to the Lillian and Norman Glowinsky Family Foundation for sponsoring this award, to the Koffler Centre of the Arts, for presenting the award, and to the jurors, Zelda Abramson, Nathan Adler, and Naomi K. Lewis, for recognizing Catalogue Baby as an important addition to the world of books. Thank you to everyone at Page Two books for believing in the project from the very first email I'd sent proposing the book, and for all your moral, emotional, and logistical support throughout the 2+ years it took to bring the book out into the world. And of course, thank you to you - all my family and friends - for supporting me and this project from day one. You are all amazing!